
Focus on your goals.

Judging a solution without knowing the context would be like judging a car without knowing the intended use of its owner. Just as a sports car or a van have different uses, we are committed to understanding what your company's vision is and what product you want to achieve in the short and long term.
Before any technical analysis of a project, we want to understand your ambitions, your market, who your users are and how they use your solution.
In all of our audit formulas, the very first part is dedicated to an interview with you to understand your issues.

There is no perfect solution.

Our experience with hundreds of startups has allowed us to understand that the perfect solution does not hesitate. When it comes to a startup project, imperfect solutions are often more relevant because they required fewer resources to create and allowed projects to get off the ground faster.
We therefore judge the technical solutions according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance of technological choices in the short, medium and long term.
  • Follow-up of good practices
  • Understanding the solution for a new developer
  • Reliability and robustness
  • Scalability of the solution
  • Existing documentation

Our Solutions

Audit needs can be very different from project to project. We have created 3 formulas allowing a surface analysis for seed projects or an in-depth analysis for the most successful projects with the possibility of estimating the costs of potential improvements suggested.

Our Formulas in Detail

Starter Audit

If you are in the very first phase of the development of your project, your formula is often sufficient to give you a first clear idea of ​​the quality of your solution.
When starting a project, one of the most important choices is to define to whom to entrust its first developments and indirectly what technologies will be implemented for this first version. Often a simple discussion about the project and an overview of the architecture and source codes allow for a first opinion on the design quality of the solution. While an audit should be tangible and substantiated, 95% of an audit's conclusions can be determined from a brief interview with the developer and an overview of the solution.
We then measure what we commonly call weak signals. It may be knowledge of certain practices, the choice of architectures, languages, functions developed or APIs used. All these elements are indirectly indices on the seniority of the developers and make it possible to pose first conclusions and a good number of assumptions.
Even if this formula is the opposite of the factual result of a classic audit which costs several thousand euros, it is an efficient, practical and inexpensive solution to get a first opinion.

This audit takes place in 3 phases:

  • Phase 1: Interview with the project leader to understand the issues.
  • Phase 2: Online questionnaire to be completed with some technical questions to ask the developer, if he is available.
  • Phase 3: Analysis of the solution during an interview with the developer when possible.
  • Phase 4: Recording of a video of the conclusions.

    Deliverable: A 5-10 minute video explaining the conclusions of the audit with a possible screen sharing to show the elements evaluated.

    Enhanced Audit

    If the first version of your solution is finished and if before launching the next evolutions you are wondering about:
    the reliability of the solution
    or on your development processes with the current technical team
    The adequacy of the current technical team with the product roadmap

    If your goal is to have a detailed opinion on your solution, its strengths and weaknesses and to have recommendations for areas for improvement, then this formula is potentially for you.
    The aim of the "Enhanced Audit" formula is to analyze the role of each software component and the way it was designed. The conclusions of the audit are established according to the technological choices and the way in which they are implemented. The technology choices are also put into perspective in relation to the past and future objectives of the project.

    This audit takes place in 4 phases:
    • Phase 1: In order to establish precise conclusions specific to your project, we begin this audit with an initial work on the vision of your product roadmap in two phases:
      A stage of discovery and synthesis
      A stage of restitution and weighting according to the context of the project
    • Phase 2: Interview with the technical team and analysis of the source codes of the solution. During this in-depth phase, we analyze compliance with best practices, the potential presence of automatic tests, the robustness of the solution, the way in which the data is stored, the structure of the database and assess whether we identify any obvious breaches in the security of the solution.
    • Phase 3: Sending the audit report
    • Phase 4: Presentation of the audit findings during a recorded meeting so that you can review it whenever you want.

      Document summarizing:
      The vision of the product that you will have communicated to us
      List of all components
      Synthetic diagram of the solution
      Opinion on the technologies chosen component by component
      Opinion on the adequacy of technologies in relation to the vision of the product roadmap
      Opinion on the quality of the solution: Design quality, scalability, maintainability over time, scalability, ease of use by a new developer.
      Summary of faults in the solution and areas for improvement.
      Video recording of the presentation interview.

    Advanced Audit

    If your solution is already in production and you are about to accelerate, this advanced audit is potentially adapted to your need. This is an audit that is fully personalized to your context, your architecture, your team and your roadmap. This audit is generally necessary upstream of a fundraising and reassures investors of the value of the developments made. It can also be used to assess the ability of the current team to achieve your roadmap.

    The planning of this audit being to be carried out together, here are nevertheless the main lines of what we will integrate:

    • Phase 1: Interviews with the founder (s), the product owner and the development team to conceptualize and weight the audit and align the roadmap and strategic issues.
    • Phase 2: In-depth audit of your architecture: Compliance with good practices, the potential presence of automatic tests, the robustness of the solution, the way in which the data is stored, the structure of the database and assess whether we identify obvious breaches in the security of the solution.
    • Phase 3: Estimation of the charges required for the suggested improvements and identification of different options.
    • Phase 4: Presentation of the conclusions of the audit and the proposed target architecture during a recorded meeting.

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    Formula 1: Starter Audit
    Formula 2: Enhanced Audit
    Formula 3: Advanced Audit
    Interview with project leader to understand problem areas.
    Code audit
    Recommended action plan
    Targeted architecture

    Gain confidence & Lower your startup risks Today!